The Application of in English Language Instruction for Young Learners: The Learning Motivation of Taiwanese Elementary School Third Graders
Technology plays a crucial part in the educational field since it aids both educators and learners. is a digital game-based education site that has a wide selection of activities. Many studies have been conducted concerning as a tool to enhance learning outcomes. However, research has not identified which motivational factors are attained simultaneously by using The current study unveils young learners’ motivational factors during grammar and vocabulary instruction. The ARCS model of Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction was applied as the basis for investigating learners’ motivational aspects. After collecting two sets of questionnaires from 24 participants, the Spearman Rank correlation was used to find correlations. The outcomes revealed that led to many significant correlations between the ARCS’s four motivational domains for both vocabulary and grammar teaching. As a result, apart from the findings of many studies that have indicated the beneficial aspects of in enhancing students’ language proficiency, this study fills in the research gap regarding motivational aspects that brings to third-grade students. This will enable educators who are seeking to apply web-based tools in class for vocabulary and grammar instruction to recognize the ARCS motivational aspects that can enhance.
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