Authentic Learning and Assessment in Lebanon and UAE Private Schools: Implementation, Impacts, and Challenges
In today's world, it is vital to establish an educational system that equips students with critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, rather than encouraging them to be passive learners. To achieve this aim, authentic learning and assessment are crucial. This research seeks to explore the implementation of authentic learning and assessment, their impact, and the challenges faced by teachers in private schools in Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study employs a mixed-methods approach to gather data from a survey that includes closed and open-ended questions for 91 teachers in ten private schools (50 teachers from Lebanon, five private schools from Mount Lebanon, and 41 from the UAE). The findings demonstrate that authentic learning and assessment are effective in developing teaching strategies and improving learning outcomes in both countries, despite the challenges that teachers face. The research also reveals a significant positive impact on student performance in Lebanon. As a result, the study provides valuable insights into future interventions to promote education in both the Arab and global contexts.
Keywords: authentic, assessment, impacts, challenges, Lebanon, UAE
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